David Starkey - The King Is Dead: Royal Death and Succession under The Tu... | PLAYHOUSE Whitely Bay

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David Starkey - The King Is Dead: Royal Death and Succession under The Tudors


  • Date: Wednesday 11th May 2016
  • Time: 7.30pm

With over-mighty father confessors, concealed deaths and lethal faction fights over the still-warm corpse, the Tudors died as excitingly as they lived. The lecture uncovers the astonishingly dramatic story.

The UK’s leading constitutional historian, known for his forthright views, talks about the period he describes as “the most glorious soap opera , with the whole future of countries turning on what these huge personalities felt like when they got out of bed in the morning”

A Cambridge educated grammar school boy who became a respected LSE lecturer, a uniquely abrasive debater on Radio 4’s Moral Maze, a controversial contributor to Question Time, and the creator and presenter of many very popular historical TV series ...on such subjects as Henry VIII , Elizabeth 1st, the Monarchy, the Churchills,  Music and Monarchy, and Magna Carta.

There are few more stimulating thinkers, and few who understand better the  way the most powerful have thought  throughout our history.

  • Date: Wednesday 11th May 2016
  • Time: 7.30pm
  • Sorry, this event has now passed and ticket sales are no longer available.
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  • North Tyneside Council - More Card Discount
  • Doors to Bars: 6.30pm

    Doors to Auditorium: 7pm

    David Starkey: 7.30pm

    Q&A Session: 8.30pm

    Show End: 9pm